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2013年5月6日 星期一



據美國科學促進會(AAAS)的科學新聞網站(報導,堪薩斯大學的醫學中心研究小組於五月發行的《營養教育和行為雜誌》(Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior)中,發表新的研究報告,他們探詢能去除傳統體重管理障礙的替代方法,並提出了虛擬實境減肥和體重保持的新方法。
主要研究員蘇利文(Debra Sullivan)說:「我們發現,雖然虛擬實境減肥效果明顯,但其對體重維持更有效。」
報導說,虛擬實境減肥計畫是使用一種叫做「第二人生」(Second Life)的網路遊戲。參與者可以藉此創建自己的虛擬角色「化身」(avatars),並與其他化身互動,自由自在地在虛擬世界中走動。

2013年3月23日 星期六

美管制洗錢 盯上虛擬貨幣

2013-03-23 01:42 工商時報 【記者陳怡均/綜合外電報導】

     此舉意味著發行或交易線上貨幣的公司也將接受政府監管,就像西聯匯款(Western Union)等傳統匯票供應商所必須遵守的相關規範。








     比特幣開發團隊成員加爾吉克(Jeff Garzik)表示,「就像美元也會被小偷和罪犯拿來使用一樣,這是不可避免的情況,很遺憾虛擬貨幣被應用至犯罪。我們將與有關單位合作。」

2013年2月14日 星期四


2013年02月14日 03:41

導讀:MarketWatch專欄作家萊恩(Matthew Lynn)在MarketWatch撰文指出,伴隨現實世界當中的貨幣注定不斷貶值和不斷失去人們的信任,線上世界的虛擬貨幣完全可能崛起,甚至在一些領域取代真實貨幣的地位。
  那些在Second Life和Farmville等游戲當中流通的虛擬貨幣,有朝一日也可能會來到現實世界當中。在iPhone 5推出的時候,外間也有推測,認為蘋果(AAPL)會推出銀行功能,發行比如名為iCoin的虛擬貨幣,和別人的貨幣類似,但是價格更加昂貴,而且看上去夠酷。

2013年2月11日 星期一

堪薩斯州立大學設佛教虛擬網路,將提您拜佛與禪修 �X�B: 堪薩斯州立大學設佛教虛擬網路,將提您拜佛與禪修 - 佛教新聞天地 - udn部落格


大學說Falcone研究佛教及佛教聖物在第二人生虛擬網站上(Second Life)~


KSU researcher explores online spirituality
The Associated Press
MANHATTAN - A Kansas State researcher's study of spirituality in the virtual world has led to a focus on Buddhists' online religious communities.
Jessica Falcone is an assistant professor of sociology, anthropology and social work. She studies South Asian cultures and religions, particularly Buddhism, Sikhism and Hinduism.

The university says Falcone is researching Buddhism and Buddhist holy objects in Second Life, an online virtual world. There, Buddhists can participate in religious events, such as group meditation sessions in virtual temples. The virtual temples replicate real-world temples and include a large Buddha statue.

Falcone says for those who live in an area without a Buddhist community, the virtual community may be the only place where they can practice their religion with other people. For others, the online experience complements their real-life practices.

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2013年1月28日 星期一

Kansas State University Anthropologist Studies Buddhism in Second Life

Expert Available
Newswise — MANHATTAN, KAN. -- A Kansas State University researcher is studying how religion -- particularly Buddhism -- fits into new forms of virtual reality.
Jessica Falcone, assistant professor of sociology, anthropology and social work, studies South Asian cultures and religions, particularly Buddhism, Sikhism and Hinduism. Several of her current research projects focus on Buddhist communities, particularly the growing presence of Buddhism in the world of virtual reality.
For one project, Falcone is studying Buddhism and Buddhist holy objects in Second Life, an online virtual world.
"I'm interested in looking at why Buddhist communities are developing on Second Life," Falcone said. "I want to know what their religious practices and materials look like in a virtual space."
Users of Second Life develop an avatar for the virtual world. Buddhists who use Second Life develop their avatar and can participate in religious events, such as group meditation sessions in virtual temples. The virtual temples replicate real-world temples and include a large Buddha statue, Falcone said. Avatars walk in the temple, collect their cushions and sit with other avatars to meditate.
"I want to understand why this is happening in a virtual space," Falcone said. "For some Buddhists, they may be living in an area without a Buddhist community and this may be the only place where they can practice their religion with other people. It is a way for them to come together and listen to teachings or to do group meditation sessions, even though it may not be possible in real life."
For other Buddhists, the virtual religious world complements their real-life practices, Falcone said.
"They may have a temple or community nearby, but there is something appealing about going online and being able to spend their lunch break in meditation," Falcone said.
Falcone noted that other religions -- including Christianity, Sikhism and Islam -- are experiencing virtual communities on Second Life, and other groups and organizations also are creating virtual communities. For example, universities can create classrooms on Second Life and avatars can attend classes. Businesses have created virtual meeting places for employees.
"It is interesting to me and fascinating as an anthropologist that we are replicating some of our cultures in these virtual spaces," Falcone said. "For the Buddhist groups in particular, it seems there is a real effort to replicate their real-life practices, rather than innovate them. There is not much interest in doing experimental practices or trying new things because it is a virtual world."
Because much of the content on Second Life is user-generated, Buddhist users can create their own virtual temple or place to pray. During real-life prayer, Buddhists tap bowls to sound the beginning and ending of their meditation. In Second Life, users have created bowls and tried to replicate the sounds the bowls make. Users also have created animations for avatars to sit in the proper position when meditating.
"People are making this user-generated content that is helping them to replicate and live a Buddhist life in very similar ways that you would find in real life," Falcone said.
Falcone also is finding that some people are discovering Buddhism for the first time on Second Life. People who may not be Buddhist but use Second Life may come across these Buddhist temples and engage with the virtual community.
Falcone has given talks about her research at a religious studies conference and a Virtual Buddhisms conference. She is currently finishing an article about Buddhist sacred objects in virtual reality.
Falcone also is writing a book about spiritual globalization and the Maitreya Project that was slated for Kushinagar, India. Kushinagar is where Gautama Buddha died and is an important pilgrimage site among Buddhists.
The Maitreya Project was planning to build a 500-foot-tall Maitreya Buddha statue in Kushinagar, which would have made it the biggest statue in the world. The statue was supposed to be a gift to India from a transnational Buddhist group called the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition. But thousands of local farming families would have lost their farmland and houses to build the project and spent several years protesting the project. Just a few months ago, the Maitreya Project decided to move its project away from Kushinagar.
"It was an interesting conflict involving a Buddhist group that wanted to build a giant statue to symbolize love and kindness," Falcone said. "Yet, for many years, they seemed to be pushing forward this project at the expense of these farmers in India. I studied the conflict from the perspectives of various stakeholders. Even though the project has been moved, it is a fascinating and important story of disparate cultural values."
Falcone spent 14 months in India gathering research for the book and was funded by the American Institute for Indian Studies. In the past, during the immediate aftermath of 9/11, she performed ethnographic research while spending time embedded with Sikh-American and Hindu-American communities in the Washington, D.C., area.