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2007年10月6日 星期六


Live Music in a Virtual World for Fans of Classical Music


By Anna Midgette
People really dress for concerts around here. One man sports a bright purple suit, with a hat and roller skates to match. A woman wears a gown that appears to be made of peacock feathers, and a large blue butterfly flaps gently in circles around her.

The Royal Liverpool Philharmonic went to the unusual extreme of building a new hall for the opening of its season: a virtual environment in the online world Second Life. In a virtual replica of the Art Deco hall, an audience of animated figures, known as avatars, watched the orchestra perform live in a choppy video streamed over the Internet on a screen at the front of the room.

Call it the future, call it a stunt, Second Life is attracting more and more attention, and classical music is starting to get in on the act. Universal Classics has built an online island where visitors can inspect a replica of the exhibition of artifacts associated with the legendary mezzo-soprano Maria Malibran that is now touring Europe to promote Cecilia Bartoli’s next Malibran-themed album.
稱 它是未來世界也好,稱它是噱頭也罷,「第二人生」線上遊戲愈來愈受注意,古典音樂也開始摻一腳。環球古典音樂公司已建立線上網站,瀏覽者可以仔細欣賞傳奇 次女高音瑪莉‧馬利布蘭相關文物展的複製品,這項展覽,目前正在歐洲巡迴展出,為(次女高音)芭托莉下一張主打馬利布蘭歌曲的專輯宣傳。

In May the pianist Lang Lang, in the form of an avatar, gave a live concert. And the Liverpool was the third orchestra to give a live concert on Second Life this year, after Sinfonia Leeds, an amateur group in England, and Red {an orchestra}, a chamber ensemble in Cleveland.

There are technical and conceptual hurdles in watching animations play live music in a virtual world. A YouTube video of a Dutch pianist playing Beethoven’s “Pathétique” Sonata on Second Life illustrates some of the issues: the performance is fine, but the figure’s fingers keep disappearing into the keys.

“It’s an odd medium,” said John Shibley, the director of organizational learning at the consulting company EmcArts, which helped manage Red’s performance. “It’s sort of like listening to the radio and watching a puppet show, and the puppet show is not synched to the radio.”

Leeds offered live streaming audio, with a small orchestra of miming avatars. Red created the equivalent of a television broadcast. Liverpool opted for a cheaper solution: a single static camera.

There are limitations to the Second Life concert experience. A sim (a unit a land in Second Life) can hold only 50 to 70 avatars without crashing, so even though Liverpool built its hall over two sims and broadcast the concert to other Second Life locations, it had a relatively small audience.

And as with any streamed Internet broadcast, transmission quality depends on your Internet connection. 而且,就如同任何一種動態線上廣播,傳輸品質視你的網路連線品質而定。

Dave Schwartz, the founder of Music Academy Online, where he conducts small listening sessions, dreams of bringing classical music to a wider audience by creating a “Disney World of classical music” on Second Life.

But Mr. Schwartz is also trying to bring newer music to this environment. “You haven’t heard ‘Poème Électronique,’ ” he said, referring to a piece by Edgard Varèse, “till you’ve heard it streamed over the Internet in a virtual world.”


2007-10-06/聯合報/C4/教育 田思怡 原文請見101日紐時周報七版左下


